The Cavapoo- Peanut Gang are all SOLD! Thank you to my customers and repeat customers.
Only two Cavapoo,s left! Snoopy and Linus.
I am able to deliver along Interstate 10 New Orleans through to Destin, FL. I can always plan a trip to Texas to see my family if I need to deliver a puppy to the DFW area.
Contact me for more pictures and videos of the puppies as they grow. you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Sweet little, Dot, had 6 beautiful healthy pups on 8/12/2024. She had another gorgeous litter of rare colored cavapoo puppies- one chocolate, three tri-colors, one white with black spots and one white with brown spots. She is such a great mama ! Contact me if you are wanting pick of the litter; her last litter sold quickly.